Page 32 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 2 #2
P. 32
That was a question I had out” to the camera, the brain
asked many times. In 2005, simply replaces the areas that
the year the NyghtFalcon lack detail much as we do in
Lighting Methodology was Photoshop using the clone
We have all been born, I learned why. In addi- stamp tool. Unless you know
there - faced with tion to the fact that the cam- what to look for and what to
those impossible era and the human eye see the do to “fix” the problem, you
lighting scenarios. world very differently, the eye will be totally disappointed
these are some fal- is connected to the brain and with the results.
con has solved. what the eye doesn’t see, the I weighed my options care-
brain can. We call this phe- fully. Conventional wisdom
nomenon interpolation. So, says to expose for the high-
when the brain sees a floor so lights and recover detail in
bright that it appears “blown
nyghtvision magazine Return to Contents volume 2, number 2, summer 2012