Page 60 - Lighting the Un-lightable Volume 1 #3
P. 60
t would be one of our last sessions at Bona Manzee. It was in June 1012, a late afternoon, and
Iwe were once again in the loft. If you have read any of our previous articles, you are probably
familiar with just how difficult working there was. I suppose that's why I enjoyed working
there so much. Over the years, Innana and I had created some of our best work there. You would
think that I would have settled into a grove and working there would have become second na-
ture. But it wasn't. It never did. Every time I thought I had unlocked the last secret to working
there, another piece of furniture was added, or, a mirror appeared, or, we worked at a different
time. It was amazing.
So, lets get started with out analysis. If you are familiar with our methodology, you know
that wherever we are and whatever we are doing, we always ask ourselves five basic questions -
these questions tell us everything we need to know about how to set our cameras and how to light
a space.
1 What Day is it? June 12, 2012
2 Where am I? East of Madison, NC.
3 What time is it? It was about 1:00 PM - about 1.5 hours before the sun would be
at its zenith.
4 What is the angle, direction and intensity of light? Because it was nearly the
Summer Solstice, the sun was still high overhead. In fact, it was still more toward
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