Page 5 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 5 #2
P. 5
78 Photo Essays /
36 Iron Pour
A photo essay by Andy Walcott that ex-
plores the art of creation.
60 Picturing History
Lew Brown explores Roanoke Rapids and
times past.
132 Carnivale!
A photo essay by Falcon.
Technical Articles /
Lighting the Un- 14 Business Done Differently
Lightable Essay by Troy Millanaro about Red Cart.
JD and Falcon solve another lighting problem 78 Lighting the Unlightable
Once again we look at solving a complex
154 lighting problem from a recent assign-
106 Review: Think Tank's Urban Ap-
proach 15
A review by Troy Millanaro.
116 Seeing Differently: NX-1
The Samsung NX-1 is Samsung's flagship
camera. We look at why it has taken our
154 September Dawn
A look at creating emotionally powerful im-
ages using DxO's Optics Pro and Film Pack.
First of a three part series.
Essays & Interviews /
September Dawn 26 Behind the Scenes
Seamus interviews Falcon. The focus is on
Creating emotionally powerful images art, photography and technology.
164 Andy Walcott
A tribute to Andy's contribution to our firm.
Poetically Man Dwells
166 Poetically Man Dwells
A look at the philosophical aspects of our
Essay by Falcon methodology. In this essay, Falcon
166 194 About Us
Learn about The House of NyghtFalcon
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