Page 175 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 5 #2
P. 175
veiled in the whiteness of the snow, I could feel ev- Doubt thou the stars are fire;
ery tear that had ever been cried there, in that place Doubt that the sun doth move;
of emptiness and death. Doubt truth to be a liar;
I let go of my life. I let go of my breath. I let go of But never doubt that I love.
all that I carried within my heart..... I welcomed the
death of ceasing to be apart from the confluence of Shakespeare, Hamlet Act II Scene ii
time. Past claimed to be future. The presence of the
present wound the ribbon of its quiet death into the
hands of a future that was now past.......
Silently. Still.
....Long ago now, she looked at me over a cup of
coffee, perplexed. "I mean, how do you know?" The
conversation had already lasted too long and I was
I didn't like questions about my photography, espe-
cially not questions about what I was thinking when
I had the camera in my hands. After all, the goal was
not to think at all. Thinking had consumed me all my
Forest Lawn Cemetery 2015
Left: Forest Lawn Cemetery 2015 Spring 2015 | 175