Page 171 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 5 #2
P. 171

It was cold, bitterly cold, and the thick-wet-         "Well in case you failed to notice,
ness of the snow had invaded my shoes, and                         In case you failed to see,
yet, as I stood in the middle of Forest Lawn
Cemetery, my Pentax 645D cradled in my arms,       This is my heart bleeding before you,
I smiled as I closed my eyes. I could feel the     This is me down on my knees, and...”
cold-wetness that surrounded my feet drift
away. The wind that only moments ago stung my                                             Jewel
face with its rage, now seemed of little conse-                                Foolish Games
quence. Its bitter anger now little more than
a gentle caress. Slowly, I felt time pass away;
I was drifting into the moment, into the infinite
presence of now.
Still. Silent.
I heard nothing. Felt nothing. Apart from the
moment, I had ceased to be.
And yet, I felt the anguish of the trees, the
suffering of a spring yet to be born. I could
hear the wind cry and I could feel her longing
for an end to her travail. Like a thousand tears

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