Page 158 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 5 #2
P. 158
d) Dead Pixels: 24
10. Moire and Chromatic Aberration are enabled and left at default values.
11. Next, I went to the Contrast controls.
a) I raised Micro Contrast to 5
b) I raised Fine Contrast to 16
c) Under Advanced Settings,
i. I raised Highlights to 28
ii. I raised Midtones to 18
iii. I did not adjust Shadows.
12. Lens Softness was enabled and set to zero.
13. Distortion correction was enabled and set to automatic (which is default)
This image, shot on the same day and
at the same time. The sun was rising
almost directly behind the milk weed
pod. The sun was powerful enough to
turn the pod yellow.
This image was processed using a
different preset. This preset uses a Fuji
Velvia film emulation. I preferred the
detail in the pod and the more subtle
coloration was more emotionally pow-
erful. I found that in this instance, the
Kodachrome's higher contrast dark-
ened the image far too much.
158 | September Dawn