Page 22 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 4 #3
P. 22
Falcon: That is harder to do than it seems.
Francois: How so?
Falcon: You'll have to give me a minute. (He reaches for his Companion, the tablet that is never far
from his side)
Francois: . (Laughing) Now I sense you're getting serious - booting up your Companion!
Falcon: (Laughing loudly) I'm not going to dignify that with a response.
Francois: Okay (also laughing) - I can wait.
Falcon: Alright. Works for me............ Okay. Here's the text. Let me see. I am looking for a specific
section. Ah, yes. And I quote:
Falcon suggests the discovery of universal truth is only possible through the personal and
through the subjective. He weaves intimate stories of his own life and loves with technical
information about the nature of making a good photograph. His stories of heart-break and
romance and the intensities of human emotion, are compelling precisely because they are
accounts of direct experience.
Francois: Forgive me, but I don't see your point. I mean, isn't the book as much about your - what is
the English expression - ah - "life and loves" - as it is about photography, art, philosophy?
Falcon: No.
Francois: Come now.
Falcon: Meaning?
Francois: I am afraid that you have the advantage here. English is not my first - or best - language.
Were we speaking Dutch, or even French, I could perhaps express myself better, but in English, I
am not sure.
Falcon: Well, it is a bit late to worry about that. What exactly do you mean?
Francois: Hmmm.
Falcon: You are not going to get off the hook so best you step up and explain what you mean.
Francois: 'Off the hook' is such a strange expression....
Falcon: No you don't. That won't work.
Francois: You know I am not comfortable.
Falcon: Yes. What's your point?
Francois: You could perhaps let me off the hook?
Falcon: No.
Francois: You are cold.
Falcon: Yes. (Laughing) Now answer me.
Francois: Okay. Has there been a woman you have photographed whom you have not loved?
Falcon: I am not sure I see your point.
Francois: There is something about your photos of women - something that - hmmm - speaks of
your love for them. I see it in their eyes. I feel it in the way you 'look' at them through the lens. And
some of the women - Torment, Katherine, Innana and especially isis - there is a very deep sense of
your connection to them - you cannot tell me that you don't love them. Or, that they do not love you.
Falcon: I cannot answer that. I especially can't speak for them.
Francois: You mean you won't respond to my comment.
Falcon: No. Not at all, I mean I can't respond to that comment.
Francois: Why?
Falcon: Do you want me to quote you the last lines of the 'Tractatus'?
Francois: "That which we cannot speak about we must pass over in silence." But why invoke Witt-
genstein now?
22 | Behind the Scenes: An Interview