Page 21 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 4 #3
P. 21

Francois: I have a question.
           Falcon: Oh? Am I supposed to pretend I am surprised?
           Francois: (Laughing) Well, I suppose there wouldn't be a need to interview you if I didn't have a
           Falcon: There you go... Perhaps we should break so you can have another cup of tea. The caffeine
           might do you a world of good.
           Francois: Okay, either you are being difficult or you are determined to give me a hard time today
           - which is it?
           Falcon: (Sarcastically) I would never presume to give you a hard time, would I?
           Francois: Yes. You would. And your sarcasm is noted. (Laughing)
           Falcon: So, you have a question.
           Francois: I recently read Professor Grady's original forward to your book and this morning I read
           the second version. So, lets begin with a simple question - what prompted him to re-write the
           forward? He seems to imply that it was the change of the title from "The Merlot Effect" to "The
           Moon Is a Jealous Mistress."
           Falcon: Yes, that is accurate.
           Francois: Okay. Lets start there. Why did you change the title - I mean isn't the book really about
           The Merlot Effect and the key role it played in the development of the NyghtVision Methodology?
           Falcon: Yes.
           Francois: Care to elaborate or do you need to get another cup of coffee?
           Falcon: (Laughing) No, I believe I am duly caffeinated.
           Francois: Then if you don't mind.....
           Falcon: Well, there were a number of reasons. First, it seemed like everyone who wasn't familiar
           with us and with our methodology found it necessary to make a joke - the same joke - about the
           Francois: Seriously?
           Falcon: Yes. Seriously. I became concerned that people wouldn't take the book seriously because
           of the title. I understand that merlot is a wine. I get it. I get that when you drink too much merlot
           you get "the merlot effect." But, after about the twentieth person made the same joke, I had had
           Francois: Was that primary reason why you changed the title?
           Falcon: Ultimately, no. The comments forced me to re-think many things, not the least of which
           was what the book was really about.
           Francois: Explain, please

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