Page 123 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 4 #2
P. 123
“Yes.” There is another gym across self to see again for all intents and purposes.
the street and the owners of that one had I know what that was like. An already awk-
purchased Fitness Today and then promptly ward moment had now become desperately
closed it down. so. “Wow, that’s really good,” I said trying to
“And now we are here.” find something to say, even if the words were
superficial and vain.
It was a profoundly awkward moment.
Granted I had seen him many times at the gym, “Yeah. I just keep going.”
but I had no memory of him prior to joining “Well, I’m glad,” I said offering him my
The Rush, my current gym. About my height, hand. He smiled, the kind of smile that says it
he was standing with his back against the pol- is nice to know someone cares. I didn’t - I mean
ished metal pole of one of the machines. He I felt badly for him. Having to teach yourself
didn’t look comfortable. His nearly gray hair to walk again..... But I had no context for the
shows only a scant trace of black randomly conversation and though he hadn’t intended
scattered about his head. He is very thin and to do so, he was awakening in me a restless-
his eyes appear to be pushed almost out of ness that I have learned I need to avoid. When
their sockets. He walks strangely - as though I first realized that all the visual problems I
he is skating gently over the floor beneath his was experiencing were part of a deeper, more
feet. Or, as though every step is immensely profound problem that could leave me blind,
painful. my initial response was to bring my life to an
“So,” I said as I tried to gather myself end. “After all,” I said to the doctor, “there is
together. I’m very uncomfortable in such mo- no point to living blind.” She took exception
ments. I am many things, but I am not natu- to that comment but I would have none of it.
rally gregarious and I often find moments of Next to what he faced, my confrontation with
random social interaction extremely uncom- blindness seemed almost trivial.
fortable. “How’s work?” I didn’t know what But the truth is that I am never far from
else to say. that question or that possibility. However
“Oh, I retired in October.” much I am intellectually indebted to Camus, I
parted way with him on the question of suicide
“Really?” Again, what else was I to say. long ago. As far as he was concerned, commit-
I just wanted the moment to end so I could get ting suicide was tantamount to admitting that
back to my self imposed exile.
life isn’t worth living. I have never been sure
“Yes, I have.......” I missed the name of life is worth living. Resistance and rebellion
the disease - an unintended consequence of still end in death. Worse than death itself, ag-
hearing Mary Fahl’s incredibly seductive voice ing and it’s slow death, its dismemberment of
in the my left ear. all that we are and all that we once could do,
“I’m sorry to hear that.” is a miserable indignity. Why not take from
death its sting?
“Yeah I was a pharmacist and the pain
just got to be too much. I did teach myself to A student of post Holocaust theology,
walk again.” intellectually indebted to Eric Fromm, I know
all the reasons why some people survived the
I tried to imagine what that would have
been like, but then, I have had to teach my- horrors of the death camps. Those who were
not randomly singled out for death survived
Spring 2014 | 123