Page 112 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 4 #2
P. 112

designed and high quality zipper with a pull -  working with the Companion so that the ports
         and a leather flap. Aesthetically and function-    are on the  right, the  power  receptacle  can
         ally perfect.                                      cause a USB device to "wiggle" loose. Perhaps
                                                            changing the order of the ports would fix this.
         4  The auto-update  software  from Wacom           In truth, there isn't a lot of need to have the
         is incredible. Best ever. It even flawlessly up-   AC power adapter attached when using a USB
         graded the BIOS.
                                                            device since battery life is so good. Oh, there is
                If I were pressed to find things I would    one more thing - when you set up the Compan-
         like to see designed differently, there would be   ion,  you will need  to activate Windows. The
         just  two. Sometimes  the stand detaches  and      key or serial number is on the power adapter.
         this is a bit frustrating - I had to make sure it   Finding that drove Falcon and JD nuts.
         is pressed into the slot in the back of the Com-   So, would I buy one? Oh yeah. Even at $2,500.
         panion each and every time I set it up. The sec-   Worth every penny. All of them.
         ond is the location of the power outlet. When

       Above: Detail of the other side and the stand.                                     return to contents
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