Page 108 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 4 #2
P. 108

The fact that I couldn't get this tablet out

                of Falcon's hands for more than a few

               minutes at a time should tell you a lot.

           In fact, after saying that I am not even sure I             But  before  we  get  to  the  specifics,  lets

           need to write another line! Falcon doesn't at-      look at the specs. This tablet has 8 gigs of RAM
           tach to "things" often, so, when he does, it says  and a 500 gig SSD drive. The one concern we
           a lot about "the thing" in question. So, when I  had was with the video chip set. We have used

           asked him a week ago if I could get his opin-       Intel based video chip sets before and they have
           ion of the tablet and borrow it for a while, his  been, well, lack luster, and typically,  an Intel
           response was, "You want to do what with my  video chip set degrades overall system perfor-

           Companion?" I knew at that point that this tab-     mance. I suppose this is because Intel chip sets
           let was so special that it had been named, and,  typically  "share" system  memory. When that
           like Princess, his Galaxy Note II, it had become  happens, you lose twice: first because system

           part of the fabric of his life.                     RAM doesn't perform well for video, and sec-
                                                               ond because  the total system  RAM is dimin-
                  So, what's so special  about Falcon's        ished when some is pilfered for video. Imagine
           Companion? Well, we can start with the form         my surprise when I played a full 1080p video
           factor. Compared to the Asus gamer laptops we       and the visual experience was stunning.
           have been carrying around the Companion is
           considerably lighter, fits into a small carrying            And then  there  is the  whole  battery
           case (which comes with it) and handles video  problem. On our Asus gamer laptops, even in
           every bit as effectively as our NVIDIA equipped  power-saving mode, after 45 minutes, we are

           desktops and laptops. This combination by it-       done. No power. And that is when we have a
           self would be enough for us to recommend this  new battery. Given that the Companion is an

           tablet, but, that is only the beginning.            i7 Core, I prepared myself for another round of
                                                               lack luster battery performance. When I took
                  The Companion is a fully  functional         the Companion on the road for a day, much to
           Cintiq and as the photo on the previous page        Falcon's chagrin, I fully expected I might get an
           shows, the layout of the tablet is just like all the   hour or two of battery life.
           other Cintiq tablets from Wacom. This makes
           transitioning to the Companion for photo ed-                I got FIVE! Wow.
           iting easy. Like every Wacom product we have
           used,  they  are  intuitive  and  becoming  profi-          And that wasn't in economy mode
           cient requires little effort.                       and I was processing RAW images from
                                                               a Pentax 645D - these images are huge.

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