Page 43 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #4
P. 43

removed. In fact processing is now called "ex-         This will make cleaning the cache out if we need
port" and it is located in the lower right corner      to quick - no need to go into the user profile.
of the interface. Options include exporting to
another application and to Flickr as well as to       4 The difference between Basic User and Ad-
disk. We were sad to see the old tab go - now
you can't see what is being processed. There is        vanced User is gone. Controls which are better
only a small line listing X out of Y (as in 12 out     suited for advanced users are labeled accord-
of 16 for example).                                    ingly.

2 We were quite pleased to see the new preset         5 A new preference has been added. You can

display (see the screen capture above). We have        set Optics Pro to either fully de-noise regardless
been looking for something like this for years.        of the image zoom, or, only when the image is
Now, instead of having to try one preset after         75% of full size or larger.
another, you can just scroll through all the ones
you have until you find the one you want to use.      6 Highlight recovery has also been enhanced.
The preview of the preset is accurate by the way.
This will be a significant time saving tool for us.  	 Of course, any time a new version of any-
                                                     thing comes out these days, the question is, "Is
3 Most application now cache data. Optics Pro        the upgrade worth it?" The answer is here simply
is no exception. With version 9, it is now pos-
sible to control both how much is cached and
where the cache is located. So, in our case, we
keep all our temporary data including caches in
"C:\Temp" so we moved the cache folder there.

                                                     Autumn 2013 | 43
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