Page 42 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #4
P. 42

rectly colored and which are not becomes much        	 PRIME can be accessed under Noise Re-
more difficult. Besides, PRIME doesn't just an-      duction - RAW (see the screen capture above).
alyze pixel color - it analyzes patterns as well.    To activate PRIME, just click on the button
This becomes critical when an object is in mo-       labeled PRIME. By default, only Luminance
tion or when an object in an image is milt-col-      correction is available. Other options, Chromi-
ored and complex in design. The results are, as      nance, Dead Pixels and Low Frequency, can be
the sample photos in this article clearly show,      accessed by clicking on the Advanced option as
dramatically better. The net result: The num-        we have done here.
ber of three F-stops that Optics Pro can recover,    	 Note that there is a small rectangular
becomes four when PRIME is used.                     viewing window included with this option. To
	 So, does this mean that PRIME should               the right of that window is a small viewfinder
be selected for each image?                          icon. To change the section of the photo that is
	 That depends upon your style of work-              viewed in the window, just click on that icon and
ing. For example, we rarely raise our ISO over       then click on the place in the image which you
200. There has to be a very compelling reason        want to have displayed. If you look to the left on
to do so. However, if you are in the habit of        the model's eye, you will see a small rectangle
starting out at ISO 400, you might want to con-      over her eye I have selected for closer viewing.
sider using PRIME on all your images. On most        Of course, the small magic wand icons automat-
of the images we tested with version 9, PRIME        ically select the correction level for you.
did not add significantly to the overall quality of  	 There are a number of other significant
an image created at ISO 160 or 200. The higher       changes in version 9.
the ISO, the more dramatic the results.
                                                      1 For example, the processing tab has been

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