Page 84 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #3
P. 84

Left photo: Hannah in front of the fireplace. The detail in the
                                                                brick on the fireplace is excellent. Skin tones are natural and
                                                                the shadows are soft.
                                                                Right Photo: Hannah in the rocking chair in the corner near
                                                                the front of the house and the foyer. Note the detail in the
                                                                fabric. Even worn spots are visible. The detail in the plant is
                                                                quite good as well.
                                                                In the end I was able to achieve the effect I
                                                                wanted by placing the lights with the umbrel-
                                                                las facing away  from the  room.  One  of  the
                                                                lights was placed in the doorway opposite the
                                                                front of the house. To prevent that light from
                                                                being mirrored in the windows on the front of
                                                                the house, I made sure the unbrella was paral-
                                                                lel to the wall behind it. The second light was
                                                                placed in the door way to the foyer. (See Figure
                                                                3) Because the brick on the fireplace was a ma-
                                                                jor problem, and because of the shadows that
                                                                this light would create in the corners, I aimed
                                                                this light at roughly 45 degress to the fireplace.
                                                                Placing this light at an angle also kept it from
                                                                being visible in the window to its right.
                                                                  Did  I  have  to  move  my  lights?  Just  once.
                                                                And only slightly. When Hannah  sat in  the
                                                                rocking chair by the corner to the right of the
                                                                light placed in the doorway to the foyer (see
                                                                the lead photo in this article), I  did have to
            use far less light than I might otherwise. Also,  move that light about 15 degrees to its right.
            if the goal is to light the space and not the sub-  This allowed more light to move into the cor-
            ject, knowing how to fill the space with light is  ner around Hannah. I was able to do it while
            critical.)                                          she was settling into the chair.
                                                                  The images we created that day, as is evi-
            I decided that I needed to use a different  denced in the images in this essay, captured
            approach or  I would  spend  too much time  the emotion of the moment. The detail in the
            moving lights and - as I have already noted - I  rug, Hannah's dress, the couch, is superb. The
            wanted nothing to do with that.                     shadows are dramatic but they are not void of
              If my analysis was correct, I needed to place  detail.  Once  again, understanding  the  inter-
            my lights either in the darker areas of the room  action between light and the structure of the
            or where they would fill the dark spaces. That  room provided a solution to a seemingly com-
            would be difficult given that I needed to face  plex problem.
            the lights away from Hannah and away from
            the windows. It was also important that I place     In the next issue, we will return to Belmont
            the lights so that with little or no adjustment  and explore the problems mirrors and pol-
            they would create the volume of light I would  ished granite present. The model will be Kat
            need throughout our session.                        Marie.  ■

    84 | lighting the un-lightable
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