Page 80 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #3
P. 80

I                                                   is that there is always detail to be recovered in
                 t was late morning when we arrived  would be far too dark. While the rule of thumb
                 at belmont and once Hannah had decid-
                 ed to work in the Gentlemen's Parlor, I had  the shadows, there is a point of no return. The
            to prepare for working in that room:                shadows become so dark that recovering detail
                                                                damages overall image quality.
              â  It was June 10 so I knew that the angle
            of the sun in relationship to the long windows  ó No matter where she chose to work, the dif-
            along the front wall of the room would be quite  ference between the blackest black and whitest
            severe. This meant I wouldn't have to worry  white would exceed the two f-stops a DSLR can
            about the sun coming through the blinds as it  adequately handle. (see Figure 2)
            does in the winter.
                                                                ú And Hannah had selected a red dress. An-
              ê It would be early afternoon and though  other potential mirror, or worse, red can be-
            the sun would be moving across the front of the  come awash with light and all detail can quickly
            house, it would not directly                                            be lost. That wasn't accepti-
            effect how I lit the room. As                                           ble either.
            long  as  the  sun  didn't  re-
            flect from the porch into the                                           Ç And there was Hannah
            room and create hot spots,                                              herself.  One  of  the  first
            I didn't need to worry too                                              things I do when I  meet a
            much about its effects.                                                 model is look at her skin. If
                                                                                    I can see her blood vessels, I
              Û Since light reflects at                                             know she will absorb more
            the compliment of the an-                                               light  than  she  will  reflect.
            gle with which it strikes an                                            If I can't see her blood ves-
            object,  I  knew  that  every                                           sels, I know her skin reflects
            panel of dark wood, the                                                 more light than it will ab-
            brick of the fireplace, and                                             sorb.  Hannah's skin would
            even the finish on the wood                                             reflect  far  more  light  than
            floor, could and would be-                                              it would absorb. Pointing a
            come reflective.                                                        light at Hannah could make
                                                                                    her skin mirror-like and I
              û If Hannah were to                                                   didn't want that. I wanted to
            pose on the couch in front of the window,  capture the soft brown tones and the even tex-
            the problem of light reflecting would be even  ture of her skin. Hannah also has very dark hair
            worse. Strobes have a way of mirroring them-        - somewhere between black and a deep brown.
            selves in windows and wherever I placed my  I was concerned that if I didn't light her correct-
            lights I needed to make sure I remained aware  ly I would lose some of the texture of her hair
            of that fact.                                       against the wood panels or the shadows.

              é If Hannah decided to use one of the side  è And of course, if Hannah decided to pose in
            chairs, I would face another set of problems: ex-   front of a window, I needed to make sure the
            tremely dark shadows. Given that I could not  world outside the room was visible through the
            directly light the space around her because the  window.
            woood and the windows would become mir-
            ror-like, it was quite possible that the shadows    IN NOVEMBER, we had received a Profoto D1 kit

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