Page 73 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #3
P. 73
Do you model nude? What motivated you to do so?
Yes I do. My husband loves the erotic photography genre and finds it to be very sensual and appealing. I
love the way nude art is almost like a sculpture or an oil painting - you can almost feel the curves and textures
of the art piece. Being a shorter, stockier woman I never once saw myself modeling but then when I realized
that artistic photographers don’t care how tall you are or if you are stick thin that this was the genre I needed
to be in. Not only is it empowering as a woman to feel very much like a woman, and I say this not in a sexual
sense, but as a statement about one's inner self. It is also so inspiring to see yourself become an exquisite
piece of art and have your body and soul bared to become the canvas on which art may be formed.
What do you like most about modeling?
Some may think it is all about praise or attention but for me my absolute favorite thing so far has been all
of the people I have a chance to meet and affect through all of this: Photographers, makeup artists, stylists,
as well as people who enjoy viewing art. Whether it is the chance to effect someone by meeting in person or
through the image its self, modeling helps me make a difference. I am making an impression that extends
beyond my normal every day world. I love to make others smile. When I worked in retail my personal goal
was to at least make one person smile everyday. There is nothing more special that having a positive effect on
another person. That moment could last for a minute or for the day or even for a lifetime. Modeling for me
has been a way I can reach out from beyond my body and perhaps leave a small mark on many, many people.
Summer 2013 | 73