Page 61 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #3
P. 61

and place  (location)  are  important  as  is  the
        Falcon has a  way of teaching that is both deep  direction and the intensity of the light, all of
        and intellectually stimulating.  But Falcon is  which greatly affect the quality of the photo-
        never condescending. He is always willing to  graph. Learning the ritual of camera settings
        lend a hand with the basics of photography -  allows me to be creative. When my interaction
        even as simple as mastering a camera function.  with  the  camera becomes  a ritual, changing
                                                            settings becomes second nature. Once this rit-
        With each class I have seen a difference in my  ual is learned the photographer can focus on
        photographs.  I have taken  many classes  and  creating emotion-filled photographs.
        some more than one time.  I  highly recom-
        mend the classes to anyone wanting to learn         Why is photography so im-
        the  art and emotion  of  photography.  Falcon
        teaches  as  a  though  he  was  a professor  in a  portant to you?

        college class. He teaches philosophy, history,
        psychology, art, history, mathematics, and sci-     Photography  has enabled  someone  who  has
        ence while teaching photography. His motto is  always been an introvert and has had difficul-
        "See the world again. For the first time." This  ty fitting in to  express herself through photo-
        means releasing  yourself  from your precon-        graphs. With every photograph, I speak with-
        ceived ideas of the world around you, so your  out words.  Photography is drawing with light.
        photographs  become  creations of emotion,  I'm drawn to light. Photography allows me to
        light, and feeling - photographs that will cause  create a style that speaks for me, and a mes-
        people to pause and linger while viewing it.        sage for others to enjoy. Thank you Nyght Fal-
                                                            con for your time, and wisdom both of which
        Some things I have learned in the class: time  have helped me to grow as a photographer.

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