Page 60 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #3
P. 60

Theresa Wilkins

            Long time Savannah resident, The-
            resa took her first seminar with us
            in the fall of 2012. In December
            2009, Theresa was given a Canon
            7D for Christmas by her husband

            - much to her surprise. Ever since
            then she  has  been studying  pho-

            What is you favorite photo-                         going back in time. These photographers cap-
                                                                tured the feelings of the time.
            graphic subject?
                                                                Do  you think  you will  be-

            My favorite photographic subjects are "street
            photography," documentary,  and photojour- come a pro?

                                                                I study photography day and night. My plans
            The days of the depression and Farm Security  are to grow and expand my knowledge base so
            Administration photographers always have in-        that if I decide to do it professionally one day I
            terested me. Great photographers like Walker  will be well trained. No, I don’t see my self tak-
            Evans, Dorothea Lange, Gordon Parks, John  ing wedding photos. What I would love to do is
            Vachon - and iconic photographs like Arthur  to have a photograph so iconic that it is cred-
            Rothstein's famous Dust Bowl image, and the  ited to me as a photographer - like the work
            famous photograph  of the  iron workers at  of the photographers I have mentioned. That’s
            lunch  on  41  Street  in Manhattan.  Who has  why I like photojournalism. Learning the craft
            not seen  Sam Shaw’s famous  photograph  of  of photography requires dedication and hard
            Marilyn Monroe in New York with her dress  work. There is so much to learn.
            lifting up? Or the photo of the famous knock
            out  punch Muhammad Ali through  again  My dream is to spend my days in retirement
            Geoge Forman.  That photograph is so great -  taking photographs.
            the detail - like the sweat flying with the punch
            - makes this image so emotionally powerful.         Tell us about your seminar
            Looking at those types of photographs is like
                                                                experience with NyghtFalcon.

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