Page 83 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #1
P. 83
It has been a long time I can't say this is always
since I smiled. Too long. so. Lines are most of-
It has been a long time ten parallel now. Colors
since I just took the cam- have begun to look more
era and went out to create muted, when once they
images for no reason oth- were alive and powerful-
er than I wanted to. ly emotional.
Yesterday, JD and I “There’s a shadow on the
were talking as we rode wall,” JD said to me.
to an assignment. “I “And?” I replied.
need the song you want “It isn’t going to look
me to use for the next right,” he answered.
still video," I told him. I started to respond but
"I need to have the 2013 stopped myself, know-
version done before the ing it would come to no
trade show." good end. “Alright, fix it,”
"Do you really have I said.
anything new?” he asked. It happened just like that,
It was one of those mo- in small increments. It
ments of honesty. Ruth- happens each time the
less. Painful. Brutal. I tried to recover, and I did, strong, powerful shadows that have been in-
though only enough to reply, “We are expected dicative of our work are replaced by shadows
to be at WPPI with the still video in hand.” that taper and ease their way in to the photo-
In truth I do have new work, but most of it graph. And though I understand what JD is
can’t be included in our public portfolio. A tes- telling me, and know that he's probably right
tament to the impact of the commercial prac- from a commercial perspective, I still feel the
tice on our art. Cemetery photographs? Out loss of those shadows. The loss of something
of the question. Nudes? Don’t even mention essential.
them. Can’t offend. Can’t turn heads. Can’t * * *
create controversy—it's bad for the commer- By the time I reached the cemetery, the snow
cial practice. had woven its way through the leather of my
The unique angles that once dominated our boots. But I was smiling. I didn’t care. It had
work have given way to a more mainline way been far too long since I had felt the chilly wet-
of seeing the world. The striking visual expe- ness of the snow and I was not about to let go of
rience has been softened. The honest emotion it. I wonder what time is it? I thought to myself.
that on occasion moved a viewer to cry, well, I had decided not to bring my cell phone. No cell
I can’t remember when that last happened. phone, no way to know what time it might be.
"Did it look that way?" people often asked us in “Time?” I said aloud, with no one save a crow to
earlier days. “I don’t know,” I would say, “but hear me. “The only time is now.”
that is how I experienced it. I can’t see with my
eyes, not any more. I see with my emotions, ba
and that is how it looked to me.” At present,
nyghtvision magazine RETUEN TO CONTENTS volume 3, number 1, WINTER 2013