Page 49 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #1
P. 49

FALCON             49

        It started with a phone call

               from an old friend...

                     er house had burned.                   carried us  while  we  learned  all  the
                     Had  it  not  been  for her  cat,      technical things we should have known

        Hwho woke her from her sleep,                       before  we  became  professionals.  In

         she  would  have died  in the  blaze. If           fact, at the time, we were still working
         we wanted,  she said,  we could use                in program mode.  It  would  be  more

         the  house  as a makeshift  studio  until          than  a  year before  we  would  master

         repairs began. It was                                                   the manual use of our
         2005.  We had be-                                                       cameras. Still, I had

         come professionals                                                      just received word that
         just two years earlier.                                                 Digital Camera World

           We didn’t  have a                                                     magazine had award-
         studio. We didn’t own                                                   ed one of my photos a

         strobes. We owned  a                                                    Gold Star Award.  So,

         Canon EOS 1Ds,  a                                                       all things considered,
         1Ds Mark II,  and                                                       things were all right.

         three  or four lenses.

         In the  grand scheme                                                         r ememb e r
         of  things, we  were                                                   I
                                                                                      entering  a series
         clueless.  Our “light-                                                       of numbers into
         ing kit”  consisted  of                                                 the  box that held  the

         a bag of candles, a 100-watt bulb, and             key. Then, placing the key in the door. I
         a flashlight. Eventually, we added  a              went in, and yes, it was burned. In typi-

         “real” light kit that actually contained           cal fashion, I ignored the obvious chal-

         light stands and umbrellas. Hardly ad-             lenges presented by what I saw and pro-
         equate.  It was  our artistic  vision that         ceeded to get to work. Later, however, as

 nyghtvision magazine                                                       volume 3, number 1, WINTER 2013
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