Page 42 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #1
P. 42


            to  reflect  so  much  light  that  it  overpowered   other directly can produce a very dark vignette.
            Innana and changed her skin tone significantly.     To avoid this, I routinely place the strobes—or
              In our NyghtVision Methodology, we discuss  whatever light source I am using—so that one
            the idea that the most effective way to light a  is lower than the other. It is important to make
            scene is to light the space around the subject.  sure that at least half the diameter of each light
            We also stress the idea that when a scene looks  overlaps the other. So, if the diameter of an um-
            like it was photographed using ambient light,  brella is twenty inches, I want to make sure that
            it has been lit correctly. My first priority, then,  the top edge of one umbrella is in the center of
            was filling the space around Innana with light  the other. This ensures that some amount of
            in a way that didn’t cause                                               light  will  strike  the  floor
            hot spots or reflections to                                              and the ceiling, and in
            occur. As the uon the dia-                                               most cases, this eliminates
            gram to the right indicates,                                             a potential vignette.
            I set the strobes in such a                                              I also make sure that the
            way  that  each  fired  at  its                                          light intersects several feet
            umbrella, and then the                                                   in front of the person or
            light from each umbrella                                                 object I am photograph-
            intersected with the light                                               ing. This further ensures
            from the other strobe (see                                               that (a) the light will scat-
            the  bull’s eye).  Since  the                                            ter around the person or
            umbrellas are curved, the                                                object, and (b) this will
            result was similar to what                                               produce a very soft but full
            I would have achieved had                                                volume of light. The latter
            I used a soft box.                                                       is critical for producing
              While we think of light                                                photos that look like they
            as  a beam, it  is  really  a                                            were created using only
            collection  of strands and                                               ambient light.
            each strand is a collection                                              As you can see in Figure 3
            of particles of light. As the strands diffuse (even  on page 37, the shadows around Innana are soft
            the tightest beam of light diffuses as it “push-    and very natural. Detail on the door is superb.
            es” through the atmosphere) the light softens,  The seams in the floor are visible as well. Next
            and as strands of light intersect with each oth-    to Innana’s left hand, the door latch is visible
            er, they diffuse further and soften more. By the  and the folds in her dark dress are apparent.
            time they reached Innana, the light would be    Figure 5 on page 40 shows the actual room
            very diffuse and very soft, which was just what  setup. Note that I did not move the table and
            I wanted.                                           chairs that were technically in the way, for they
              Innana (see v on diagram) was positioned  further diffused the light.
            several feet from the wall, and I wanted to make    Figure 4 on page 39 was created during the
            sure that the light would reach around and be-      same shoot. Innana is in front of a window
            hind her in a way that would appear totally nat-    in one of the eaves. Anyone who has photo-
            ural to the viewer’s eye. Experience had taught  graphed a person in front of a window knows
            me that placing the lights so that they faced each  how difficult a photo like this can be to create.

    nyghtvision magazine                                                                                                                                                                           volume 3, number 1, WINTER 2013
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