Page 81 - NyghtVision Boot Camp One Fill Edition
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photography and the highest quality commercial Often regarded as the “Special Ops” of photography,
work – where the combination of artistic vision, NyghtFalcon’s photographers are trained to deliver
world class tech. world class photography under the most difficult
Founded in 2003, The House of NyghtFalcon’s work conditions. The firm’s photographers are equally at
has received international acclaim. The firm’s work home in deserts, on city streets or in rain forests.
has been featured in Digital Camera World (UK) in Highly adaptable, flexible and resourceful, only the
print and on line, In the Wall Street Journal, and best survive the firm’s three year training program.
many other publications. NyghtFalcon was profiled In March of 2008, the firm’s largest exhibit of its
in Studio Photography Magazine in June of 2007. photographic work, opened at The Norton Center
The firm has partnerships with DxO Labs (Paris), for the Arts at Centre College (Danville, KY). The
Canon USA, OnOne Software, NIK Software, Wa- exhibit, entitled “Shaker Visions”, featured 2500
com, Innova, ThinkTank Photo, Sirui, Pocket Wiz- square feet of the firm’s documentary work on the
ard, X-Rite, The MAC Group, FJ Westcott, Chi- Shaker Village at Pleasant Hill. In September 2006,
mera, Gigapan, Queensbury, NEC Displays, and the firm’s first documentary exhibit, “The Face
Hoodman USA. Among the firm’s many honors, in of Woman”, the culmination of three years work,
2006 NyghtFalcon was named Image Masters by opened in Greensboro. The firm’s work is on display
DxO Labs, Paris. In 2010, The House of NyghtFal- in the Saatchi Gallery in London.
con was named to X-Rite’s Coloratti, a group glob- NyghtFalcon has seven US locations including
ally recognized for its color management skills. In Greensboro, Brooklyn, Boston, Philadelphia and
2009, Westcott named NyghtFalcon to its Top 100 Savannah.
Seeing the World Again. For the First Time. 81