Page 80 - NyghtVision Boot Camp One Fill Edition
P. 80

About The House of NyghtFalcon

          “See the World Again. For the First Time” char-      changed in a matter of minutes.
          acterizes the distinctive style of The House of      v      From sepia Terra circa 1918 through
          NyghtFalcon - if a thousand photographs were         classic 1950s black and white, from early 1920s
          on a table, and only one were a NyghtFalcon,         hand colored prints to contemporary color
          that still image would be clearly and easily         films, NyghtFalcon can offer a stunning range
          recognizable.  The  firm’s  hallmark  style  –  the   of visual effects.
          vibrant color, rich texture, intensity of detail,    v      Since  the  firm  has  mastered  the  art  of
          emotional impact and unique artistic vision –        photographing down to total darkness, the dra-
          clearly distinguishes the firm’s work for that of    ma of a building is preserved without the need
          other photographers.                                 for additional, expensive lighting or setup time.
          v      NyghtFalcon’s unique ability to emulate       v      NyghtFalcon is a technology driven firm
          more than 360 film-types eliminates the need         whose primary focus  practice is fine commer-
          for costly post processing and graphic design        cial photography – the intersection of fine art
          work. The entire look and feel of a photo can be

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