Page 43 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 2 #2
P. 43
Jack laughed. Your majesty,” said the gardener, “I am truly
Did I ever tell you what my father told me “humbled and as hot as it is, I would kill for a
“about sex?” bowl of pasta faisola.”
You might have – but I don’t remember.” As you wish,” said the king, “See you at the
“Sometimes that meant Jack didn’t really re- “palace at 7:00 PM.” That nyght the gardener
member but other times, like this one, it meant ate seven bowls. And when he left work the next
‘tell me again.’ And so Falcon did. nyght he was again met by the king. “So, what
I was just 13 and this was – he said - to be the did you think?” said the king.
the hottest day of the hottest year in the history “
“only time he would discuss sex with me. On Your majesty,” he said, “It was to DIE for.”
Well, as luck would have it, we have more
of Sicily, the gardener was toiling in the king’s “tonyght. See you at 7:00 PM.” And so it
garden when out on the veranda walked the new was every nyght until at the end of the four-
young queen, who was by far the most beauti- teenth day, the gardener said to the king, “Your
ful women any one had ever seen. It was so hot Majesty as good as it was that first nyght, well,
that she had decided to now pasta faisola is just
bathe in the palace pool. pasta faisola.”
So, as she stood there, “I REMEMBERED
she dropped her cloth- HOLDING JACK Well,” said the king,
ing, and for a moment IN MY ARMS, ““remember that the
she was nude. WOULD ALL BE ALRIGHT next time you look at my
vercome by her THOUGH SOMEWHERE So,” said my father to
Obeauty the garden- WITHIN ME, I KNEW IT “me, “remember this –
er said aloud, “Que bella WOULD NOT BE.” a little more here, a little
jovena!” “What a beau- bit less there, in the end,
tiful young woman.” it is all pasta faisola.”
Unbeknownst to him,
about three paces behind him was the king who ack laughed. When Jack and Falcon arrived
didn’t take kindly to the gardener’s comment. Jat Lock, Stock and Bagel, one of Jack’s regu-
So troubled was he that he summoned the wis- lar haunts, they slipped into conversation about
est people from around the kingdom to a meet- Jack’s business. Falcon was clearly distracted
ing that nyght that the fate of the gardener by a beautiful young woman who was seated at
might be decided. a nearby table.
nd this is what they decided to do – when
Athe next nyght the gardener finished his “Yes, Jack.”
shift he was met by the king who said, “My “What is the matter?”
friend for 25 years you served my father and “Oh, nothing at all Jack. Just distracted.” Fal-
now you serve me. The least I can do is to have con nodded his head in the direction of the
you to dinner – so you tell me what you want young woman a table or two over.
and I will have the best chef in the kingdom
make it for you.” acked turned to look at the young woman. “I
Jam glad I am too old for all that,” Jack said.
nyghtvision magazine volume 2, number 2, summer 2012