Page 42 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 2 #2
P. 42


                et me tell you a story…… It is a story about    Falcon smiled. “Jack,” said Falcon, “my lawn
           Lcompassion  and  tenderness, friendship             mower is broken and if you let me borrow
            and warmth, patience and kindness, trust and        yours, I can cut my lawn. The neighbors will
            most of all, a story of love. A story about how     thank you because property values will go up.”
            one man who had never known what it was             Jack smiled, took Falcon around the back and
            like to have a father, found one, and in so find-   handed him the lawn mower. Falcon not only
            ing his father learned more about love and pa-      bought Jack a cup of coffee and a bagel as pay-
            tience and kindness, compassion, tenderness         ment for use of the lawn mower, he also cut
            and trust than he had ever known in all the         Jack’s  lawn.  “Hey  Jack,” Falcon  would  say,
            years of his life. It is a story about how one      “looks like our lawn is getting long – do we
            man who had stepped  away  from the  world          need to cut it?” Jack would smile and Falcon
            embittered by events that continued to haunt        would cut the lawn. When the lawn had been
            him opened himself and learned to trust again.      cut, the two would sit side by side, in silence,

                 ur story begins not many years ago when        on the front steps as they had done so many
           Olate one afternoon the younger of the two           times.
            walked across the boundary between their two            hat fall, as Falcon returned home one af-
            homes, extended his hand and said, “I’m Fal- Tternoon, he saw Jack sitting on the front
            con” and the other, hesitantly at first, extend-    porch. He looked winded. “What’s up, Jack?”
            ed his and said “I am Jack.” Ours is a story        Falcon said. “Hey Fal-con,”  Jack  said.  “Are
            draped in irony for these two men had lived         you OK, Jack?”  Jack  smiled, “I’m  just tired.
            side by side for almost a decade and a word         Too many leaves. Do you make them all fall
            had never passed between them. Not long af-         down?” Jack had a wry sense of humour and
            ter that, the two sat on Jack’s front porch, in     Falcon returned  the  smile. A few  days  later,
            silence, letting the summer sun settle quietly      Falcon cleared Jack’s lawn of leaves.  When it
            into the distant horizon.                           snowed, Falcon often cleared Jack’s walk and

                hat’s how it was in the early chapters of       driveway. Slowly, as the two grew to trust each
            Ttheir friendship. Neither Jack nor Falcon          other, and as the trust deepened, Jack allowed
            said much. Perhaps  they didn’t need  to  – it      Falcon to hold a greater place in his life. And
            was enough to be together. To share the mo-         Falcon, well, he grew to love and protect Jack.
            ment. In that silence they learned to trust one         et me tell you a story……… It had been a
            another. On occasion Falcon and Jack would  Lparticularly frustrating day for Falcon, and
            go  out  for  coffee  and  a  bagel.  Just  to  be  to-  as he and Jack walked towards the car, Falcon
            gether. Sometimes they talked, but mostly, it       said aloud, “I don’t know, Jack,  I just  don’t
            wasn’t about  talking. It was about  being  to-     know.” Jack smiled that smile that told Falcon
            gether. There was just something about being        more was to come. “Oh?” said Jack, that “oh”
            together  I guess,  something that  reassured       that Jack often used when he wanted to bait
            both of them that “it”, whatever it was, would      the hook of a conversation.
            be OK. They had each other.                           Ya know, Jack, for all that he did to me, the

                 ne afternoon, Falcon knocked on Jack’s  “older I get the more convinced I am that my
           Odoor. Jack seemed surprised then when               father was incredibly wise.” As though already
            he recovered he said, “Come in young man.”          knowing where  the  conversation was going,

   nyghtvision magazine                                                                                                                                                                volume 2, number 2, summer 2012
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