Page 25 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 2 #2
P. 25
that development strips away the simplicity of stand just how dangerous the situation could
living close to the heart of nature, one can only really be. We have learned to trust our intui-
have second thoughts. Moreover, I can’t say tion. It has saved us on more than one occa-
that industrialization is without its complica- sion.”
tions and problems. There is something to be For JD, the immeasurable beauty of Hondu-
said for a life lived simply.....” ras is striking, but the sunsets, “are without
Underneath the fascination that travel brings, equal. The colors are so vibrant they are al-
JD and Falcon are always aware of potential most unreal. The reflection of the setting sun
danger - like Falcon’s broken ribs. “It is a very upon the face of the ocean is stunning. I won’t
different world,” said JD, “and we are inter- ever forget a single one I have seen.”
lopers, foreigners, and we don’t always under-
nyghtvision magazine volume 2, number 2, summer 2012