Page 24 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 2 #2
P. 24
With every trip, it seems that JD Milazzo and Often as dangerous as they are beautiful, these
Falcon find unexpected beauty amidst condi- places speak to us of a world that is quickly
tions that are often challenging and difficult. disappearing as inexpensive labour and indus-
On one such trip, Falcon broke some ribs by trial encroachment change the lives of indig-
a waterfall a good hour from Trujillo. Despite enous people forever.
his ability to survive the pain, the magnitude For Falcon, this is clearly a two edged sword.
of the potential danger was not lost on him. A “When you consider that people in Trujillo are
more serious injury could have threatened his still bathing and washing clothes in the river
life. In many ways, the modern world has yet from which they derive their drinking water,
to touch Honduras. where most homes have perhaps a single light
JD and Falcon’s propensity to live life on the bulb, it is difficult to see development as some-
edge has taken them to many of those places. thing undesirable. But, when one considers
nyghtvision magazine volume 2, number 2, summer 2012