Page 72 - Lighting the Un-lightable 2015
P. 72

"“The most essential thing about my style was

           working with shadows to design the face instead of

                                      flooding it with light.”

                                                                              - George Hurrell

                                                       Once I solve a lighting problem, I file the solu-

                                                       tion away under 'Things I have learned and
                                                       won't likely use again.' Recently, I learned that
                                                       that isn't true.

               In  retrospect, it  should  have  tak-                      we can apply what we learn to sit-

               en all this time to recognize what                          uations we will face in the future.

               now seems so very obvious. Why                              Earlier this year, at a shoot in Pine-

               should solving lighting problems be                         hurst, I realized that had to change.

               any different than addressing any                           Solving lighting problems isn't any

               other technical problem we face. Af-                        different than solving other techni-

               ter all, the core of our NyghtVision                        cal problems.

               Methodology is the repeatability of                         Why the sudden change in perspec-

               ritual.                                                     tive? Well, as Akira and I discussed

               Yet, every time we solve a lighting                         when she wanted to work, I knew

               problem, we just move on. We hav-                           that the two bedrooms on the lower

               en't ever really thought about how                          level would be difficult. It had been

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