Page 81 - Lighting the Unlightable Volume 1 #1
P. 81

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                                      Here I wanted to retain as

                                       much of the texture of the                Wooden  floors  that
                                       wall as possible. Belmont                 are highly polished

                                       has  been  painstakingly                  are always a chal-
                                       restored and the detail of                lenge.  Not only are
                                       the wall adds much to the                 these  floors  highly
                                       visual  and  emotional  ex-               polished, they are
                                       perience. I also wanted to                also the blackest

                                       keep the shadows on the                   black. Bouncing light
                                       wall and in the corner.                   off the floor was out
                                                                                 of the question. I had

                                                                                to  find  another  way
                                                                                 to add light here.

                                       Anna  is  very  pale  skinned
                                       and, like most redheads,                          
                                       there  is a  slight  reddish

                                       tone to her skin. Lighting
                                       her skin and hair would be                This are was adja-
                                       a challenge, To the camera,               cent  to the window.
                                       these areas would be diffi-               If I weren't careful,
                                       cult to perceive. .                       this area would have
                                                                                 been  been  signifi-
                                                                                 cantly  lighter  than

                                                                                 the rest of the scene.
                                                                                I also didn't want to

                                                                                 lose the shadows on
                                                                                 the wall. To me, they

                                       I needed to make sure that                were integral  to the
                                       detail in the dress wasn't                experience.
                                       lost:  black  is  difficult  to
                                       light. It can be highly reflec-

                                       tive and under exposing the
                                       dress would have lost much
                                       of the detail.

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