Page 71 - Lighting the Unlightable Volume 1 #1
P. 71
Experience has taught me that Fresnel lenses direct
light very differently than soft boxes - not that that is
surprising since the whole point of Fresnel technology
was to keep a beam of light from diffusing too quickly.
The net effect of this is that a beam of light can remain
cohesive longer and therefore can light a greater area.
This is why Fresnel technology is used in lighthouses.
(See the diagram on the next page). So, where I usual-
ly overlap a large section of the light from a soft box,
with Fresnel lenses, I usually break the edge of the in-
ner core. This makes the light both dramatic and yet
soft enough to avoid the high contrast that can make
an image look harsh and overly sharp.
Here, that wasn't going to be possible. Anna was in the
corner of the room and I was limited by the shape of
the room. So, my only workable option was to have the
light from the two D1s intersect about a foot and a half
in front of Anna - where the reflected light from the
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