Page 67 - Lighting the Unlightable Volume 1 #1
P. 67

Almost a decade had passed since I had seen Anna, and I knew
              going in that she had been through many changes in her life.  I

              had as well. The changes in both our lives had been profound. For
              Anna, as well as for me, that meant coming to terms with parts of

              who we are that we had long kept hidden. Emotionally, we were
              both very different.

              Eight years is a long time. While I had the feeling that Anna hadn’t
              changed much physically,  I wasn’t sure. Prior to the shoot, I went

              back to the last time we worked together - I went through several
              hundred photos. I wanted to envision how she might look now,
              a decade later. While I knew I couldn’t possibly predict with cer-

              tainty how she would look, I would have a sense of what I could
              expect. All I knew was the Anna was going to wear the same dress

                                                               ...artistic vision isn’t

                                                      like adding 2+2. I can’t du-

                                                    plicate the same vision each

                                                     and every time because I am

                                                    not the same person. I liter-

                                                      ally see the world differ-

                                                               ently each time. ..

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