Page 165 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 5 #2
P. 165
Andy Walcott
We met by accident six years ago. I had been invited to speak to a group of artists in
Greensboro, NC, about making their passion for art into a business. It wasn't a particu-
larly good time for me - we were just coming out of the two worst years in the history of
our firm. To make matters worse, I had been teaching all morning in the cold. So, when
I wandered in to give my comments, I wasn't, well, warm and fuzzy. I remember walking in
wearing my black beret, workbooks and all the warm clothes I could find that morning. I just
didn't want to be there.
Andy approached me afterwards, and I all but told him that if I had any interest in conversa-
tion with him, I would let him know. Later that day, when I mentioned to JD that I had been
approached by a videographer, he immediately said that we needed to meet with him. Rather
than deal with the fallout of not agreeing to meet with him, I set up a time for JD and me to
get together with Andy. Because JD insisted, I asked Andy to join us.
Now, I can't imagine our firm without him.
When JD, Andy and I had lunch a few days ago, we realized six years had passed and Andy
had seen our world, the world of The House of NyghtFalcon, change in ways no one, not even
I, had imagined or thought could be possible. Andy has weathered them all with us with a
measure of grace, patience, and confidence, that has enabled us to survive and grow even as
the world around us remains mired in uncertainty.
In a few short days, Andy leaves for Eugene, Oregon, and while he will remain with us, our
lives will clearly not be the same without having him here. I have grown accustomed to pick-
ing up the phone and calling Andy to discuss some new idea I have, or, to seek his counsel
and insight. There will be no more meetings at "the Boro" as we refer to the coffee shop
where The House of NyghtFalcon often convenes. And Andy won't be there to video me as I
embark on some new intellectual journey that takes me to some other unimaginable place.
Intelligent, articulate, insightful, well read, Andy is the kind of friend you instinctively know will
be there for you unconditionally. Passionate, creative, and yet remarkably practical, Andy has
taught me how to balance the need to create with the discipline of detail and process, some-
thing I never thought I would learn.
Most of all, I will miss Andy's humor. It is fair to say that most people don't dare tease me.
Not because I would mind it, but because I am, well, intimidating even though I never intend
to be. Andy has never been intimidated. He's just Andy, and a part of being Andy is having
a sense of humor that often catches me with my guard down. When we had that last lunch,
Andy made a comment, sarcastic and slightly off color, that left me bellowing with laughter. It
will be a long time before I laugh like that again.
Here's to you, Andy. I won't ever smile or laugh as long as I shall live without remembering -
and cherishing - you.
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