Page 134 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 5 #2
P. 134
Over the last 13 years, we have seen
and used many cameras. From my first
Olympus 5050Z to the Samsung NX-1,
we have listened to all the hype, read all
the specs, and in the end, performance
is all that counts. Recently, we were on
assignment in Newport, Rhode Island.
We were there to cover a wedding. After
the rehearsal dinner, we ventured out
into the myst of a near spring rayn to
photograph a carnival and to push the
NX-1 to its limits. We found, as these
images show, that it was more than
equal to the task.
Each of these images was created
at ISOs over 1,000, many at 4,000
or higher. Exposures ranged from
1/60th of a second to three seconds.
All were hand-held. The results were
spectacular. The best from any camera
we have ever used.
This image was shot at F-22, ISO 1000. The exposure
was two seconds and the camera was hand-held.
Note how clear the words on the Ferris wheel
are. With another camera this image would have
been almost impossible.
134 | Carnivale!