Page 106 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 5 #2
P. 106
Samsung NX-1 and the NX30, six lenses, a portant because bags that extend outside
Think Tank memory card holder, a Sam- my back tend to hit people as I walk by. As
sung flash, a tripod, and a spare camera much as I don't like being people swearing
grip for the NX-1. There was room for bat- at me at, I don't like being distracted more.
teries for the flash, a lens cloth, and sever- Knowing I will hit someone as I pass means
al granola bars. I have to take my focus away from where
it should be - getting the images I need to
We tested this bag with a variety of cam- complete my assignment - and place it on
eras and lenses. Our Canon 1Ds Mark III not hitting anyone as I walk by.
was a bit cramped since that body is so
large. With some creative configuring, we In summary, I found the bag to be well-de-
were able to get that camera body and the signed and extremely functional. If you are
Canon L Series 70-200 MM lens in. Our shooting in an urban area or, for example,
medium format Pentax 645D was another shooting a wedding, where you need to
challenge, however, we were able to make
it work. In truth, we aren't likely to be out On the streets all day? Got an all
on the street with either of those cameras. day event? This is THE bag you
The Samsung NX-1 is our choice for street should use!
photography, events, and photo-journal-
ism. keep your equipment with you and have
the ability to switch bodies or lenses quick-
I was also impressed with how easily the ly, this is an excellent bag. It should be able
straps on the bag could be adjusted. JD to carry everything you need. I believe if I
Milazzo is six feet, four inches tall. I am were hiking to shoot landscapes and need-
just five feet, nine inches, and yet we were ed to carry more lenses and a tripod, I
able to pass the bag from him to me and would probably be better served by a Think
back quickly. Also, I should mention that I Tank backpack. But for most everything I
found the bag to have excellent back sup- do, this bag is all I need.
port, especially at heavier weights.
If you want a well designed, high quality
If you have worked the streets, you know bag for working on the street, this is your
size, weight and form factor is all critical to best choice.
how long you can hold up under the gru-
eling pressure of people and urban chaos.
This bag was perfect in every respect - es-
pecially the form factor. It fit perfectly on
my back. It didn't hang off my back to the
right or left, up or down. Fitting well is im-
5We rate
this bag
106 | Think Tank Urban Approach 15