Page 62 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #4
P. 62

an hour. We were told we would need to cross       want anyone else to know either.
a stream that was "at most ankle deep." It was     Francois: Why?
actually a river and it was shoulder deep and      Falcon: There was nothing anyone could do.
the water was rushing hard. There were huge        As I said, I saw the hospital and there was no
stones as well. We needed a guide just to get      way I was going to let them touch me. So, the
across. We even left one camera behind - we        only real option was to deal with the pain. We
didn't want to risk everything.                    had to complete the assignment.
	 Despite all that we crossed successfully.        Francois: I will have to take your word for it
Francois: And then it happened.                    - obviously - I wasn't there. I have to say that
Falcon: Are you referring to my fall?              the idea that you continued to work after that
Francois: Yes. As I have heard it, you were by     fall for - how long?
the waterfall and someone called your name.        Falcon: The better part of a week.
You spun around and you fell.                      Francois: You either have an exceptionally
Falcon: Yes. It appears I cracked at least three   high threshold of pain or you are very disci-
ribs in my back                                    plined. Or both. So, in the midst of this, you
 Francois: What does that mean? Didn't you         photographed the iconic image of the girl hold-
go to the doctor?                                  ing the kitten. Tell me about that. How did it
Falcon: We passed the hospital as we were          happen? What were you thinking? Or, is the
leaving the town. No. And you wouldn't either      better question what were you feeling?
if you saw it.                                     Falcon: Well, I really wasn't thinking. I had
Francois: So, you worked with cracked ribs?        just gotten out of the river - the cold water had
Falcon: There wasn't another option. I had to      made my ribs stop hurting. We had seen her
tough it out.                                      on the way from the SUVs to the river - we
Francois: How do you do that? Tough it out I       walked through the length of the village. She
mean.                                              was with her brother and sister I presume.
Falcon: I ignored the pain. What else was I to     	 It was the look in her eyes - the way she
do?                                                concealed her eyes with the kitten. There was
Francois: No drugs to help?                        something about it that touched me deeply.
Falcon: No.                                        So, I took the kitten from her, smiled, held it
Francois: I am finding that hard to compre-        close and petted it and then returned it to her.
hend.                                              Francois: I suppose you know what I am go-
Falcon: If you block pain long enough and it       ing to ask?
isn't so debilitating that you can't move or have  Falcon: Of course.
broken a bone critical to your functioning, you    Francois: So, if it is a violation of what you
just become numb to it.                            refer to as your "Prime Directive" - observe
	 I fell twice actually - the second time we were  with out intruding - why did you intrude?
returning from the waterfall to our vehicles - we  Falcon: The look in her eyes.
had just left the waterfall. My cargo pants were   Francois: Explain, please. That is a rather
still soaked and so were my shoes. I stepped over  ambiguous response.
a rotten tree trunk that lay across the path and   Falcon: I am sure it is, however, it is also a
my feet came out from under me. I was with one     statement of emotional truth.
of the guides and he looked alarmed. I just told   Francois: Okay. As much as we have talked
him to keep walking.                               and as much as I thought I knew your meth-
Francois: He was concerned, I take it.             odology, that is a new one. What is emotional
Falcon: Absolutely. But there was nothing          truth? I didn't think emotions could be true
either one of us could do. Moreover, I didn't      or false, so, explain please.

62 | Behind the Scenes: An Interview
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