Page 15 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #4
P. 15

the exception given that Nikon shares the de-     top of the camera are easy to read. (See photos
sign of the 645D when it comes to this feature.
	 The 645D is designed to work horizon-           1 and 2 on the previous page) In fact, pre-

tally and vertically. To that end, as photo 3 on  viewing images was a pleasure given the overall
                                                  size of the LCD.
this page shows, there body can be mounted        	 Menu options were extensive and very
horizontally and vertically on a tripod. All the  well organized. It didn't take long to configure
buttons that control basic functions are located  the camera or change settings in the field. I
so that they can be accessed quickly no matter    only needed the camera manual once - it was
how the camera is mounted. The mirror can be      that intuitive. There were some unexpected op-
locked by turning a single dial on the body of    tions too. We were able to add copyright and
the camera near the lens - a great feature for    author in the menu system. By pressing the
low light since there is no need to access the    Info button we could easily change what the
menu system to accomplish the same effect.        LCD displayed. This was very helpful.
Two additional dials located either side of the   	 Virtually every aspect of the camera can
view finder enable you to change metering         be configured view the menu system and be-
mode and the number of focal points quickly.      yond that there is a thoughtfulness about the
	 The LCD on the back automatically ro-           overall design. For example, on the Mark III,
tates as the camera body's orientation changes.   I can't change the F-stop without pressing a
There is even a level built in to the LCD. That   button and turning a dial. With practice, I have
was extremely useful even when the camera         learned to do it without looking mos of the
was hand held.                                    time. But this is awkward at best. On the 645D,
	 The LCD on the back and the one on the          there are two dials - one for aperture and one


                                                  Autumn 2013 | 15
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