Page 92 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #3
P. 92

ABOVE: Donna looking back over her shoulder at us.

                         It was one of the last shoots we did

                                     using only ambient light.

             In 2008, JD and I returned to the now-re-         peatedly to book another shoot. Eventually, I
           stored burned out house to work with a new  just gave up.

           model. She had just started modeling so both    These images are remarkable for many rea-
           JD and I were a bit uncertain about what would  sons. First,  despite  having been  created  us-

           happen. The results were fantastic.                 ing ambient light, the lighting is flawless. Our
             Like many of the models  with whom we  NyghtVision Methodology was in place by that

           have worked, this was our only session  with  point - though it remained more of a loosely
           her. Since she was young at the time, sixteen if  fashioned matrix  than a tested  methodology

           I recall, she was accompanied by her mother.  for at least another year. Second, Donna was
           When I contacted her mother to set up anoth-        incredible. Her range of emotion was stunning

           er shoot, she told me that Donna was having  and remarkable. Few  models  with  whom  we
           problems at school and in other areas of her  have worked have ever been able to equal what

           life. Over the next several months, I tried re-     she did that day.

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