Page 9 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #3
P. 9
Muse ~ noun
Definition of MUS E
1 capitalized: any of the nine sister goddesses in
Greek mythology presiding over song and po-
etry and the arts and sciences
2: a source of inspiration; especially, a guiding
Over the past decade, we have worked with more than 100 models. Each of these women has contrib-
uted immensely to our development as photographers and artists.
Five of those women, Torment, Katherine, Ana, isis and Innana, have shaped our work in ways so pro-
found that any attempt to measure or express their influence would fall short. Together they account
for nearly 100,000 images - images we return to, year after year, as defining moments in our work and
our lives. To these women, we dedicate this edition of NyghtVision as a small token of our appreciation
for all they have given us.
Summer 2013 | 9