Page 32 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #3
P. 32
For me, it was easy to see that these were inspiring organization. We all have to deal
no regular photographers trying to make a go with the hard times that the current economy
of it. These were artists behind a camera. has dealt us. No one has been spared. The
In the early days, there were a number real test of a person’s ability and dedication
of photographers who joined The House of is whether he steps up to the challenge and
NyghtFalcon. Attracted by the appearance of grows stronger, or gives in to the dire words
glamour, excitement and the mystique, they of others. Everyone at NyghtFalcon has done
came to learn the techniques that would make just that. They have stepped up and moved
them stand out from the crowd. The hard forward.
work, long hours and constant need to exceed As impressive as the early work from
expectations often caused them to move on to NyghtFalcon is, their latest work is even more
less intense lifestyles. This was a good thing – so. Always striving for greater results, constant
only the best should be part of the legend that ly refining their techniques (both shooting
has become NyghtFalcon. and software based) they have elevated their
The many sponsors who support images to artistic levels rarely achieved even
NyghtFalcon could see their vision from by master photographers. Their fundamental
the very beginning. In a world of “me too” artistic vision continues to evolve and grow.
photographic styles and the concept of A final note on Falcon: the only thing
“good enough” photography, The House of more inspiring than his photography is his
NyghtFalcon makes no compromises, takes passion to teach. You only need to spend five
no shortcuts. Their knowledge goes beyond minutes with him to see why his seminars
just taking a picture and presenting it to the and workshops are so valuable. He takes the
client. They visualize the shot beforehand, concept of taking a picture and turns it into
shoot it perfectly and adjust the final look to an experience that lets you “See The World
match their vision – a process that takes much Again, For The First Time.” This is not a
longer than a simple “snap” of the shutter. It’s catch phrase; it is a philosophy that explains
often a grind to get exactly what they want, the NyghtFalcon style and mystique. I hope
but the results are always spectacular. everyone has a chance to experience it first-
Today, NyghtFalcon is an even more refined, hand. ■
32 | Then and Now: Jeff Karp