Page 22 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #3
P. 22

he Academy of Motion Picture Arts
                      and Sciences gives awards annually    Sergey Brin, a founder of Google, promoted
            T  (The Oscars). We go to the  movies.   his controversial Google Glass:  “It was fasci-
            We talk of moving pictures. Even though we  nating to see that I could just reply to a text
            know we are watching a series of still images  message  with a photo.”  And a related  com-
            alternating with black projected in rapid suc-      mentary from a Harvard professor:  “This is
            cession, we surrender to this illusion of motion.   a watershed time where we are moving away
            Persistence of vision it’s been called.  Early the-  from photography as a way of recording and
            ories placed the persistence within the visual  storing a past moment … turning photography
            receptors in the retina, but more recent work  into a communication medium.”  From these
            shows that the persistence of the sense of mo-      two influential people, we can see restriction
            tion is a function of the iconic sensory memo-      as to how and what an image can communi-
            ry area of the brain.  The sparkler’s trail effect  cate and the resulting  under-appreciation of
            (seeming to make letters and shapes of light in  its power.   Brin’s  photo response  was to the
            the night air with a lit sparkler) illustrates this  text question, “What are you doing?”  Instead
            illusion, as does a photograph showing moving  of  replying  with  text  he  captured  the  view
            car lights as streaks of light.   When they are  through his Google Glass and sent it along (an
            lit, the sparkler and car lights are crisp, precise  image of his meal).  The flawed assumption in
            and leave no particles delayed;  yet the trail is  this case is that images communicate unam-
            there in our memories and images.  We own  biguously.  The professor’s flawed assumption
            without purchase or cost this elegant system of  is that photography has only recently been a
            perception, this esteemed gift of infinite value,  communication medium, an assumption that
            which is exquisitely linked with our humanity.  ignores a rich history.
              Image stems from the early French, imagee,    Cinema  reflects  the  contemporary  world-
            to copy.  We have taken this root word and de-      view while at the same time informing it.  The
            rived a term for one of the highest functions  iconography of style can weave a complex tap-
            of our humanity: imagination.  And we have  estry  of attitude,  yearnings, and disillusion-
            found the technology to produce images from  ment.  Style is embedded in the choices of ac-
            both interior and external worlds.  The cinema  tors, directors, producers, cinematographers,
            has contributed compelling images in the last  art directors, costume designers, scriptwriters,
            century, photography for more than a century  lighting technicians and more.  Like the musi-
            and a half, and art, architecture and sculpture  cal scale there are cinematic notes that may be
            for thousands of years.                             recombined endlessly into fresh and startling

              The force of image creation is powerful, yet  imagery.  ■
            we can look around to find it restricted and un-

    22 | the art of convergence
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