Page 29 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #1
P. 29

LEW BROWN                    29

                                                                          IMAGE KEY

                                                                          left and below:
                                                                          hobcaw sunrise
                                                                          The vereen house

                                                                          following pages:

                                                                          u hobcaw marshes

                                                                          v standing guard

                                                                          w hand-carved door pull
                                                                             ON former slave cabin
 Between                                                                  x bell at bellefield house

 the                                                                      y the vereen house, detail


    The Allure of Hobcaw Barony

        lands to be quite
        overwhelming. (Just
        to put its size in per-
        spective, the Barony
        is 3,000 acres larger
        than Manhattan Is-
        land.) There are no
        paved roads. The Ba-
        ruchs clearly intend-
        ed that the property
        remain in its natural state. There are two main  the hand-carved door pull (see image w on the
        houses,  Hobcaw  House  and  Bellefield  House,  next page) on one slave cabin to be haunting–a
        plus the Vereen House (a caretaker’s house, I  reminder of the people who worked these vast
        believe). I fell in love with the Vereen House’s  rice plantations and the lives they led.
        blue color and the giant live oaks that guard    There is restricted access to Hobcaw Barony
        it. (See image above and v on the next page.)  through the tours and programs the foundation
        Friendfield  Village  is  a  former  slave  village  and universities offer. For further information,
        that was in residential use until 1952. I found  see

 nyghtvision magazine                                                       volume 3, number 1, WINTER 2013
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