Page 4 - NyghtVision Boot Camp One Fill Edition
P. 4
The House of NyghtFalcon
Every journey has its challenges and this as they learned how to do photography
one will be no different. However, some- themselves. In the absence of training as
times a journey can bring clarity, insight professional photographers, they were
and growth. It is our wish for you that forced to find solutions to problems they
this journey provide these things for you. faced quickly and effectively - solutions
The method you will learn here was that made sense despite often being
developed by Falcon and JD Milazzo, counter intuitive.
Founders of The House of NyghtFal- We hope that you enjoy what you will
con. It was developed not in the world of learn here and that it will bring your
theory, but rather, in the world of prac- work to the fulfillment and creativity you
tice. JD and Falcon honed this method seek.
4 Boot Camp, Part 1