Page 71 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 2 #2
P. 71

THE BEAUTY OF SADNESS                                                                                          64

           “Not all art is beautiful,” I thought. “No, that   respond that way, no one seems to ever lis-
           won’t work,” I said to myself.                     ten to how you do. Perchance they do, they
           “Art is about many things. There is beauty in      quickly become  uncomfortable.  They  don’t
           sadness just as there is beauty in joy. Some-      know how to respond. Or, perhaps, respond-
           times art is intended to provoke a reaction.       ing requires a measure of honesty  about
           Sadness  is a very powerful  emotion  and it       themselves, their lives, at which they are un-
           can provoke a powerful response in the view-       willing to look. Perhaps.
           er……”                                              I can’t say for sure. It isn’t like I can do an

           Honestly, I don’t remember what I said after       empirical study on the subject either. “Ques-
           that. It must have been humorous because           tion One: When someone tells you how they
           everyone was laughing. Reductio ad absur-          are really feeling  when you ask ‘How are
           dum – literally reducing the situation to the      you?” do you feel: (a) awkward because you
           absurd. It works quite well when it comes to       don’t want to think about what you are really
           diffusing  an  awk-  “Most people imagine that a man suffers                feeling (b) angry be-
           ward situation, es-  because, out of the blue, death snatch-                cause he or she has
           pecially if one can   es away the woman he loves. But his real              been honest……..’”
           make the situation   suffering is less futile, it comes from                Pascal, in “The Pas-
           humorous.            the discovery that grief, too, cannot                  toral Letters,” once
           But  a week  has  last. Even grief is vanity.” - camus                      wrote  that humans
           passed  and I am                                                            long to be happy
           still trapped in that conversation.                                         and the only way
                                                              we  can be  happy  given the  fact  that  we  all
           I have never thought of my work as provoca-        die is to fool ourselves into thinking we live
           tive. Intentionally poking the viewer to elicit    forever. Perhaps, it is that sadness reminds
           a reaction. I have never thought of my work        us that we do not. Perhaps it is that sadness
           as disturbing, well, with the exception of no      forces us to look at what we are really feel-
           more than a handful of images. I had never         ing beneath the thin veil of happiness. Per-
           thought of my work as divisive or alienating.      haps sadness moves us to consider stepping
           I see only the profound beauty. And yes, I see     away from the vanilla sameness of our lives.
           the beauty in the sadness.
                                                              Perhaps  it  is sadness  that  reminds us  that
           But, isn’t sadness beautiful?                      the only truth is ultimately our mortality and
           Perhaps that was the problem for Olivier. He       that all the “Truths” we manufacture pale in
           hasn’t seen the beauty in sadness. Or, is it my    the end in the face of death. Perhaps it is that
           problem because I do?                              sadness would move us – as Heidegger once
                                                              said – to stand open and stand in the world –
           I tried to tell Olivier that there is something,
           well, superficial, about people smiling. We all    responsible for the creation of our own lives
           know how to do it and we have rehearsed the        and destiny  - as we  are propelled  towards
           “cheesecake smile,” as I like to call it, from     our own mortality. Perhaps it is sadness that
           before we can sit up.  I find it…….superficial.    would  press our faces  against the  fact that
           Empty.  Evasive. A lie. It is rather like the      love pains us, and that we long to love and
           way we respond to the question, “How are           be loved even in the face of the limits death
           you?” We always answer “Fine, thank you.”          places on our ability to love. Perhaps.
           Or something like that. And even if you don’t      In The House of NyghtFalcon, we talk about

 nyghtvision magazine                                           volume 2, number 2, summer 2012
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