Page 50 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 2 #2
P. 50

43       FIREWORKS

           Keep in mind that the camera used here will          3. Don’t try to  think your way  through  this.
           do ISO 50. If yours can’t, start with a higher       Once the fireworks start, you won’t have time
           F-stop.                                              to think. If you try to, you will miss most or all

           Many of these images were taken at F 10 and          of your opportunities to get great images.
           nearly a 4 second exposure.                          4. Don’t just press the shutter. Wait. When the
                                                                explosion begins, press the shutter.
           Step        Three:                                                                     5. Set your
           Adjust Your                                                                            focus  on a
           Sh ut ter                                                                              point    about
           Speed                                                                                  where the dis-
                                                                                                  play  will  be,
                                                                                                  then switch to
           Start out in the 2-3
           second  range  and                                                                     manual focus.
           be prepared to make
           adjustments.  After                                                                    After-
           each image,  check                                                                     ward:
           your  LCD. How  do                                                                     Post
           the  images look?                                                                      Process-
           Be prepared to ad-                                                                     ing
           just your F-stop and
           shutter speed.                                                                         Part of  what
                                                                                                  makes     fire-
           Rules of                                                                               works       so
           Thumb:                                                                                 powerful  “on
                                                                                                  film” is the vi-
           1.  Want more mo-                                                                      brant contrast
           tion? Raise your  F-                                                                   between  the
           stop  to 10  and/or                                                                    black  of the
           use a slower shutter                                                                   nyght sky and
           speed.                                               the rich, bold, colors.

           2. Don’t take too many images in a row. Why?         There is a down side to this. If you don’t work
           The memory buffer in your camera will fill  and      in RAW, there will be a significant amount of
           your camera will tell you it’s busy. This is bad     noise and there will be little you will be able to
           for two reasons:                                     do to correct this.

           (a) the camera will lock the shutter until the       Don’t overwork your  images,  even  if  you  do
           buffer is emptied and                                work in RAW. Even with the best camera and
                                                                the best RAW converter, noise will become a
           (b) you won’t be able to see what your images        problem. We use DxO Optics Pro as our RAW
           look like. The latter means you won’t have time      converter. The images in this essay were pro-
           to adjust if something isn’t right. Best to take     cessed using Fuji Velvia emulation. Only gam-
           one or two, evaluate, and then adjust if need        ma, vibrancy, and the  high  end  of the  tone
           be.                                                  curve were adjusted.

   nyghtvision magazine             Return to Contents                                                                                                                                 volume 2, number 2, summer 2012
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