Page 39 - Lighting the Un-lightable 2015
P. 39
When Hurrell used Fresnel lights, there were almost always strong
shadows. I was able to duplicate that effect here. I've spent so
1 much time removing or softening shadows when photograph-
ing interiors, it took some doing to get past the need to alter the
strong shadow here.
2 Pushing the shadow back and away from Marquaysa. Pushing the
shadow back and away also allowed me to capture the detail in
the floor and the rug in front of her.
4 3 I was surprised that the detail in the coach was as crisp and clear
as it is. I was also surprised that her outfit wasn't blown out either.
4 I positioned the Cine Reflector so that the shadow from the arm of
the couch didn't extend too far onto the couch. I didn't want the
shadow to wash onto her outfit or even her feet.
I wasn't prepared for how much of the outside I would be able to
6 5 The detail outside the window behind her was stunning. In fact,
6 Given the angle of the Cine Reflector, I was able to push the shad-
ow under the couch back and away so that more of the detail in
the wood floor would be visible.
Let's analyze the scene. | 39